Loudoun County VA Grease Trap Cleaning

If you own a restaurant, then you know how important your grease trap is.  You also know how big a job it is to keep it properly cleaned out.  It can be a real nightmare.  Fortunately, that’s not something you have to try and do yourself.  Just call Loudoun County VA’s top grease trap cleaning and maintenance company, and we’ll handle the dirty job for you!

Ideally, you should have your grease trap cleaned out every four to six weeks.  Any less frequently than that, and you run the risk of having the system back up, which can cause you to have to close your doors for several days while the problem is dealt with.  That hurts your business and your bottom line.  Not good.

Fortunately, when you call Loudoun County VA’s #1 grease trap cleaning and maintenance company to do the work, you can rest easy, knowing we’ll do a fast, professional job, which gives you one less thing to worry about and great peace of mind.

When we come service your grease trap for you, we’ll:

  • Completely drain the tank of grease and any other waste that might be collected in it
  • Once the tank is empty, provide a thorough inspection and cleaning of the tank and all baffles
  • After the clean out has been completed, test the system to ensure that all waste and water are properly flowing back into the tank
  • And dispose of all the materials pumped out of the tank

In other words, it’s an end to end service leaving you no headaches or hassles to deal with.  What’s not to like about that?

Unfortunately, proper maintenance and regular clean outs are only part of the equation.  Another important element is employee education.  If your employees don’t know exactly how the grease trap works, then the wrong things might get connected to it, or harmful materials might get poured down it.  Here are some things to be sure to avoid:

  • No boiling water in the grease trap! This will dissolve the grease, releasing it into your septic tank or the municipal sewage system you’re connected to
  • In a similar vein, don’t connect a dishwasher to the trap. It’ll have the same impact as boiling water
  • Be sure not to hook up a sink with a garbage disposal to the trap
  • And most importantly, don’t pour bleach or other chemicals (including drain cleaners) into the trap! If you do, not only will you kill the beneficial bacteria living there, but you could also create an environmental hazard, setting yourself up for enormous (and unnecessary) expense

If you can handle the employee education part, we’ll take care of the rest!  Just call Loudoun County VA’s premier grease trap cleaning and maintenance company and let us do the dirty work for you.


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