What is a Fauquier, VA Septic Tank Alarm?
Are you a Fauquier, VA homeowner who has a septic system on your property? If so, you might want to know more about what is a Fauquier, VA, septic tank alarm and how it functions. If so, read on.
The main function of a septic tank alarm is to warn homeowners in case of emergencies. Some of these high-level warnings mean that it is time to service the septic tank. Often these warnings will also indicate that a strong storm or heavy rain has made its way into the tank, allowing the tank’s water level to increase. Another scenario that may trigger these warnings to go off is where a nearby leaking pipe starts to seep into the septic tank, allowing the tank’s water level to climb above the safe limits.
At Advantage Septic Services, we are well aware of the various reasons that can contribute to your septic system alarm triggering. Apart from the reasons listed above, a septic tank alarm will also go off if any repair to the piping or tank is required. This is why we always pay special attention to the possible issues with a septic tank once we have finished its installation. We always make sure to respond to a waste collection request from our clients as quickly as possible.
What is a Fauquier, VA Septic Tank Alarm?
A septic tank alarm has two parts: A waste ejector pump and a float release switch. These two work together to provide you with a high-level warning which indicates whether an immediate waste removal service is needed. It also helps to discharge wastewater or partly treated sewage in a controlled manner.
Sometimes your septic tank can keep on filling up quickly before the waste disposal truck arrives at your house. In those situations, the float starts to climb higher, allowing the alarm to go off again. This means your septic tank is in an overfill state. In those situations, the ejector pump extracts the top surface of the waste or effluent and ensures the float returns to a healthy level. When this occurs, the ejector pump ceases pumping and shuts off the alarm.
The same alarm technique becomes triggered as extra water is added to the tank hoping that it will break down the solid matter. This is not real. Adding more water to an overfilled septic tank would only increase the tank’s float level even higher, allowing the device to activate the septic tank warning. This will ultimately cause the owner to make an emergency service request.
If you want to know more about septic tank alarms and how they work, fill-up the form given on our website. One of our team members will get back to you soon.