Septic Tank Pump Out In Manassas Park, VA

Keep Your Septic Running Smoothly with Preventive Maintenance

There’s no need to lose sleep over how your septic system is doing. With the right care, it will last for decades. The basics are a regular septic tank pump out in Manassas Park, VA, and watching what you put into it every day.

According to the septic pros at Advantage Septic Service, most homeowners should get the tank cleaned annually. But this can vary depending on how many people use the system. The critical thing is to decide on a schedule and stick to it consistently.

It’s clear to our technicians that many owners really don’t understand how the septic system works. That can cause problems because they unintentionally put the wrong things down the drain and the toilet. When a member of our team is doing a septic tank pump out in Manassas Park, VA, let him know if you have questions. We are happy to explain what your septic system can safely handle.

Why You Need Regular Pump Outs

Think of your septic system as your home’s digestive tract. When you treat your own digestive system correctly, you are productive and healthy. The same goes for your septic system.

Waste from your home goes through the pipes to the septic tank. Organic waste, called sludge, falls to the bottom. Inorganic waste, called scum, which includes grease and oil, float the top. In the middle is wastewater.

Bacteria act on the wastewater, treating it so it can be safely returned to the soil in your drain field. It needs space to get the job done properly.

If too much sludge and scum accumulate, there is no room for the wastewater. Instead, the water is expelled from the tank before it is treated, which contaminates the drain field.

As more and more solids gather in the tank, a variety of other problems occur. The tank can crack. Solids can seep out into the drain field. You might experience a backup into your home, causing a smelly, unsanitary mess.

It’s simple to avoid these problems. Just call for septic tank pump out in Manassas Park, VA, on a routine basis. It takes just a few minutes to arrange and the cost is reasonable. This easy task will save your thousands of dollars in repair, replacement and relocation work.

Be Kind to Your Septic Tank

On a daily basis, you can ensure that you tank operates in peak condition by watching what you put into your septic system. Just like your digestive system works best with certain types of food, your septic tank functions reliably when you are careful with what goes down the drain and the toilet, and on to the septic tank. It means fewer solids to deal with when you arrange for a septic tank pump out Manassas Park, VA.

First off, never allow cooking grease, oil or fat to go down the drain. The system can’t break them down.

Be careful to keep food waste like vegetable and fruit peels and pits away from the drain. Coffee grounds and bones will also cause major trouble.

It’s ok to use cleaning products, but make sure they are biodegradable. Don’t use antibacterial soap, only those that are biodegradable. Never use drain cleaners.

Make sure paint, thinners, solvents, varnishes, hazardous materials of any kind, medicines, gas and motor oil never, ever go down your drain and into your septic tank.

Don’t put personal hygiene products down the toilet. That includes tampons, sanitary napkins, condoms, and disposable diapers. Don’t put handi-wipes or paper towels down the toilet. The only 2 things that should go down your toilet are human waste and toilet paper.

Monitor how much water you use. When too much enters the septic system at one time, it can cause a backup. It interferes with its proper functioning. Check for leaks from faucets, tubs and toilets. Don’t allow discharge into your system from water softeners, sanitizers, purifiers, hot tubs, dehumidifiers and air conditioners.

Spread out your clothes washing instead of doing several loads in a single day. When you buy a new one, get a front loader, which uses less water than a top loader.

Wash mud of clothes before you put them into the clothes washer. This prevents soil from getting into the septic tank.

Garbage disposals cause trouble for the system. Too much food waste ends up in the tank, and grease from bones and meat get in.

Advantage, the Septic Experts

Here at Advantage Septic Service, we have the experience to help you with all of your septic system needs. That includes:

  • Septic tank pump out
  • Installation
  • Repair and replacement
  • Pump and haul contracts
  • Real estate inspections

For over 20 years, we’ve been the go-to septic service for people in the local community. Our customers trust us. We are proud of our reputation for doing a quality job, showing up on time, and offering competitive prices.

You can save even more with our neighbor discount. Sign up for service at the same time as your neighbors and we can do the work at a lower price. It lets us save on travel time and equipment, so we pass the savings on to you!

Worried about forgetting to schedule an appointment for your next tank cleaning? Sign up for an annual service contract. We’ll let you know when it’s time for the tank to be pumped.

We take our job seriously. If something goes wrong with your septic system, let us know. We offer 24-hour emergency service.

Call Advantage Septic Service today to arrange for a septic tank pump out in Manassas Park, VA.

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