What Laundry Detergent Is Best for Clifton, VA Septic Tanks?

In Clifton, VA, owners often wonder what laundry detergent is best for their septic tanks. According to the technicians here at Advantage Septic Service, you actually have a wide range of choices, as long as you check the label.

There are 2 main things to look for when you research laundry detergents at the store. First, make sure it is biodegradable. Second, see if it says it contains low levels of surfactants.

The detergent can contain either natural or synthetic surfactants, both work equally well. Natural means it uses plant-based oils like coconut or palm. Synthetic uses petrochemicals. The only difference you might notice is that detergent made with natural surfactants produces less suds and foam.

Another thing to know is what type of septic system you have. For the vast majority of property owners in this area, that means a conventional, gravity-powered system. A few people use the newer aerated model. For conventional septic, liquid detergent works best. For aerated systems, powder is the better choice.

The team here at Advantage has come up with a list of 5 readily available laundry detergents suitable for septic systems in the area. There are more on the market that work just as well and you aren’t limited to this list.

  • Arm and Hammer laundry detergent
  • Mrs. Meyers laundry detergent
  • Amway S-A-B
  • Earth Friendly laundry products
  • Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds

In talking to local septic system owners, we’ve noticed that there is a lot of confusion about how the system actually works. If you have questions, we are happy to answer them. We are commonly asked, in addition to what laundry detergent works best in septic tanks in Clifton, VA, what is the best toilet paper to use, what is safe to put down the toilet and drain, and how often should the tank be pumped.

Pumping the tank on a scheduled basis is actually the most important thing you can do to keep your entire system working well for years to come. Some families need to do it annually, others every 2 or 3 years. It depends on how many people are using it regularly. If your tank gets too full, the entire system will eventually shut down.

One of the benefits of a tank cleaning is that you get to ask the technician questions about your septic system. He will listen to your concerns and share his expertise with you. Our goal is to keep your septic system running efficiently for years to come!

Call Advantage Septic Service today to ask about what laundry detergent is best for septic tanks in Clifton, VA, and to schedule a septic tank clean out.

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