What Laundry Detergent Is Best for Fauquier County, VA Septic Tanks?

In Fauquier County, VA, owners want to know what laundry detergent is best for septic tanks. There isn’t just one product that works. What you need to do is check the label to find one that is biodegradable and has a low level of surfactants. You also need to know what type of septic system you have.

This is one of the most common questions that our septic technicians get asked when they come out to pump a tank. Most owners have a very hazy idea how septic systems actually work. The better you understand how it functions, the better you can treat it. This saves you money, worry and inconvenience. We are happy to share our expertise with you. You can also call our office with your questions or concerns.

Laundry detergents use 2 types of surfactants, both of which are fine in your septic system. Natural surfactants are made from plant-based oils like palm or coconut. Synthetic surfactants are petrochemical based. As long as the label says the detergent has low levels, you are fine.

By far, most of the septic systems in this area are the conventional gravity-powered type. For these, it is best to use a liquid detergent. A few properties have aerated systems, which do better with powder.

You probably want to know specific brands of laundry detergent that will work in your system. Here are 5 that are commonly available and work well:

  • Amway S-A-B
  • Arm & Hammer laundry detergent
  • Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds
  • Mrs. Meyers laundry detergent
  • Earth Friendly laundry products

These brands might cost a bit more, but you save money in the long run because they protect your septic system. When you know what laundry detergent is best for septic tanks in Fauquier County, VA, you can make an informed decision that helps maintain the effectiveness of the entire system.

Another essential thing to do to keep your septic system in excellent condition is to have the tank pumped on a regular basis. How often depends on how many people use it, but once a year to every 3 years is the usual time frame. Even using the right detergent won’t help if your tank gets too full. At the heart of septic maintenance is getting the tank cleaned out on a scheduled basis.

Getting the tank pumped also lets you ask the technician questions. People often wonder what is safe to put down the drain and what type of toilet paper to use.

Call Advantage Septic Service today to find out what laundry detergent is best for septic tanks in Fauquier County, VA, and to arrange for a tank pumping.

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