What Laundry Detergent Is Best for Gainesville, VA Septic Tanks?

In Gainesville, what laundry detergent is best for septic tanks is a common question for technicians here at Advantage Septic Service. You need to use one that is kind to the natural breakdown process that septic systems use. The good news is that it is easy to find products in the store and online that work well.

You need to check the labels to find out if a product is suitable. Make sure it says the detergent is biodegradable. Then see that it contains low levels of surfactants. There are 2 types of surfactants, natural and synthetic, and either one is fine for a septic system. Natural means it uses plant-based oils like coconut or palm. Synthetic surfactants are petrochemical-based. The only difference you are likely to notice is that detergent with natural surfactants produces less foam and suds.

You also need to match the type of detergent to the type of septic system you have. For almost everyone in the local area, the system is the conventional gravity-based. This works best with a liquid detergent. A few people have the newer aerated type of system, which does best with powder.

People who ask us what laundry detergent is best for Gainesville, VA, septic tanks usually want a specific list of detergent brands they can buy, so we’ve put together a list of 5. But you aren’t limited to these by any means. There are many good ones available on the market.

  • Arm & Hammer laundry detergent
  • Earth Friendly laundry products
  • Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds
  • Amway S-A-B
  • Mrs. Meyers laundry detergent

You’ll probably notice that detergent for septic systems is a bit higher in price. It’s worth it to pay more now because your system will last years longer when you treat it right. Small things like using the best detergent, the right type of toilet paper, and watching what you put down the drain and toilet can make a huge difference in how efficiently your system works and how long it lasts.

The single most important thing you can do to add years to the lifespan of your entire septic system is to pump out the tank on a scheduled basis. For many families this means once a year. But depending on how many people use it, it might mean every 2 or 3 years. What’s essential is getting the work done on a regular basis. If your tank gets too full, the entire system will shut down. Repair and replacement is hugely expensive. Investing a small amount now in a clean out will save you from expensive bills in the future.

Call Advantage Septic Service today to find out what laundry detergent is best for septic tanks in Gainesville, VA, and to schedule a septic tank cleaning.

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